SFND MAG: King Montiez! What’s good my brother! We definitely appreciate you for taking time to interview with us. How have you been?
KING MONTIEZ: Peace and love So FN Dope Magazine! I’ve been amazing! Looking forward to this next chapter.
SFND MAG: Tell us about yourself. Where are you from?
KING MONTIEZ: I'm just a down South country boy from Decatur, Alabama pursuing a dream of mine that I’ve had since my mid 20s.
SFND MAG: So give us a little bit of the back story about you and how you got into music?
KING MONTIEZ: Like I said, I’m just a southern boy pursuing a dream. I remember when I was homeless sleeping in my car thinking that it was something better for me. I have a musical background with both parents so I wanted to see if I could create music myself.
SFND MAG: What is the R&B music scene like in your city?
KING MONTIEZ: The R&B music scene in my city is non-existent. There are a lot of good singers, but I consider myself the first R&B artist to pursue this wholeheartedly. I’m finding inspiration outside my city with other artists, and motivation within myself to be the first R&B artist out of my city.
SFND MAG: As an R&B artist in today’s music climate, what do you think will set you apart from other artists out there?
KING MONTIEZ: I stay true to the foundation of R&B music by giving respect to ones that paved the way just so I could sing in liberty and freedom, believing in the craft, staying true to myself, and always coming from the soul. I’m giving my fans that “feel good soul” good music.
SFND MAG: We just heard one of your latest records “ Like Glue”. It’s a dope song! How did that joint come about?
KING MONTIEZ: Thanks for the love. [LAUGHS] I actually stumbled upon it when my manager Jahmirris Smith and producer Chris Theory and I were in the studio looking for something different. I already had the lyrics, I just didn’t have a beat or a hook. My manager came up with the hook and the rest is history.
SFND MAG: We love the musicianship of the entire record and that bass line is crazy. Who produced that track?
KING MONTIEZ: [LAUGHS] Yes sir. All credits go to my producer Chris theory. He definitely did his thing on that track!
SFND MAG: We’re pretty sure you are working on some heat in the studio for 2023. What is the name of the latest project, and what is the meaning behind the name?
KING MONTIEZ: Most definitely. I have something in the oven right now. [LAUGHS] I have an EP coming soon. It’s called King Montiez “Better Than Before”. It basically means everything about me, from my sound, look, performance, passion, maturity, and confidence in my craft is better than before!
SFND MAG: Is there an official release date for the project? When can we expect to hear it?
KING MONTIEZ: We are definitely slow cooking this thing. I really don’t have an exact date, but “Like Glue” is doing numbers and giving great feedback! We are just enjoying the ride, but trust me, I am locked and loaded with good quality music that you are going to love.
SFND MAG: So we know that you are with Pyramid Gang Entertainment. Shout out to the homie Jahmirris Smith. We saw that they recently inked a deal with Dallas Austin Distribution/Symphonic. That is exciting! What is next for you all in terms of your new relationship with such seasoned music industry veterans?
King Montiez: Yeah, shout out to the team for all the hard work that they do behind the scenes at Pyramid Gang Management. Another groundbreaking thing that’s never happened in our city, which makes the title “Better Than Better” even better, because everything we’re doing has never been done, and this go around is all the way official. The relationship with these guys is great! They are really putting us in position to win. It is a good feeling to have such seasoned veterans in a business that knows the business and is willing to work with hidden talent that’s hungry and wants to be heard!
SFND MAG: Do you have any advice for the next young artist coming up in your city? What would you say to the kid coming up that has his sights on the industry?
KING MONTIEZ: Believe in yourself. Stack your bread. Don’t wait for anyone to believe with you. Step out on faith and pursue your purpose. In this business it takes money, dedication, and consistency.
SFND MAG: How can our readers find you on social media?
KING MONTIEZ: You can reach me on all social platforms @King Montiez
SFND MAG: Where can they locate your music online?
KING MONTIEZ: You can find my music on all listening platforms.
SFND MAG: King Montiez, we truly thank you again for taking the time to interview with us. It’s been our pleasure, but before you go we want to ask you one more question. Could you name one other artist out there that you think is So FN Dope, and tell us why?
KING MONTIEZ: Man this interview was So FN Dope! Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of your legacy. I’ve been rocking with you guys since 2018 when my homie Jahmirris had an ad in your magazine! Y’all are really doing numbers and working with a lot of people in the industry that I would love to meet. So I am truly grateful to be a part of the movement. Thank you! I could definitely name a few but one that stands out to me is Sir! This guy is very talented and he is definitely in his own lane when it comes to his sound, look, and spirit. Reminds me of myself.